Most product review sites fall in two general categories: professional or community driven. Sites like CNET Reviews and blogs like CrunchGear

Since usefulness of the product reviews site strongly depends on the amount of the content and areas of coverage, there are quite a few online communities that decided to share their revenues generated by advertising on the site with the community members: reviewers and, in some cases, with readers, evaluating reviews.
One of the new communities on the market, successfully utilizing this approach, is SharedReviews.Com. They define their social purpose as “a social network that allows you to connect with other consumers to share and learn about real consumer product experiences”. Any product review, generating ads income, is split between earnings going to the review author, and some earnings to those, who spent their time to read, comment, and rate the review. This way, active participation of both authors and commenters is monetary encouraged. is fresh and full of energy. If you are looking for some online supplementary income opportunities, it might be a good choice to start with.
Web Site:
Based on the feedback of the community members, I am changing the company rating from 3 to 4 on the list of the Revenue Sharing Opportunities. You are welcome to access the full listing (132, at the moment):
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