Saturday, March 29, 2008

27 Free Conference Call Services to Simplify your Life

Until recently conference calls were used mostly in the business environment, since it was quite expensive and required a certain level of justification for the management. But it is available to anyone for any reason. Why you might need that? Have you ever arranged family or classmates’ reunion, when all the participants are from different cities, and each one of them has personal problems and scheduling preferences? No? It is a lot of fun. After multiple phone calls back and forth, bulk emails, flooding your email account, and number of text messages you realize, that you want just to be alone. I have a better solution for you. Conference call will allow collecting all the participants at the same time, where the mutually accepted schedule and other related decisions can be reached instantly. The only charges associated will be charges for local or long-distance calls to the preset phone number, offered by the features service.

Video Tutorial below will give you an example how easy the conference call can be arranged through one of the free services

But, it is just an example of one of the suitable services. For your convenience, I have prepared a Rating List with 20 Top services, providing free conference calls for their members. In same offers, there is no need even to register for the hosting Web Site.

You can access the listing with brief description, site link, and rating:

Did I mentions, that it is free of charge?

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